We’re delighted to bring you the first ever Angular starter kit for XM Cloud, which joins our existing Next.js starter kit in enabling JavaScript Sitecore developers to quickly and easily create custom components for modern web applications.
This new template, which is currently a public beta JSS feature, includes the new Node XM Cloud Proxy. It lets you implement most core XM Cloud functionality, including:
Content editing with Pages, using the recently added metadata architecture.
XM Cloud Forms.
Localization / internationalization.
In a future update, the Angular starter kit will support additional JSS functionality, including the XM Cloud Component Builder and meta-framework SSG/SSR.
However, this starter kit will not support the following:
Content editing with Experience Editor or Pages using the older chromes-based architecture.
SXA redirects and error pages.
Multisite applications.
For more information, please refer to the JSS release notes.