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Sitecore Experience Commerce 10.0

Sitecore Experience Commerce (XC) 10.0 is compatible with Sitecore Experience Platform (XP) 10.0, 10.0 Update-1, 10.0 Update-2, and 10.0 Update-3. Compatibility with XP 10.0 Update-3 requires updating an XC host file for connecting to Identity Server as described in KB1000801.

For containers deployments retrieve the applicable Sitecore Commerce Containers SDK version from GitHub for compatibility with the correct XP update release.

Refer to the Sitecore Experience Commerce Compatibility Table for the software and version prerequisites.

Sitecore XC 10.0 adds innovation features including:

Dynamic Bundles - optional and upgradable products in a bundle
A Free gift with Purchase promotion
A sample Sitecore DAM to Commerce connector

This release adds a new deployment option based on Docker and Kubernetes. It adds a Sitecore Experience Commerce Software Development Kit (SDK) with example scripts to you help build your production container images. A set of prepared sample images is also provided via the Sitecore public container registry, for preparing a sample Commerce solution deployment.

Other highlights include:

Ability to set a promotion priority
Return available promotions on products, from Engine
Recommended products based on purchase history
Promote products based on search boosting rules
Storefront extensibility via Scriban templates
Continued performance enhancements
Framework & 3rd party updates: OData, .NET Standard, .NET Core, Solr, Redis client
Corrective content based on feedback from our customers, partners, and developers

Return to all available versions

Download Options for Sitecore Containers Deployments

Sitecore Commerce Containers SDK 1.0.224January 2021: Please go to GitHub to retrieve newer versions of this SDK that are updated for compatibility with Microsoft Windows patches.This SDK contains the Dockerfiles, .env files, Docker compose ymls, Kubernetes yamls, and sample scripts to build container images of the Commerce Engine solution. The version 1.0.224 posted here is compatible with SXP 10.0.0 and Microsoft Windows container base images: ltsc2019, SAC 2004, and SAC 20H2.
Sitecore Commerce Containers SDK 1.1.10January 2021: Please go to GitHub to retrieve newer versions of this SDK that are updated for compatibility Microsoft Windows patches.This SDK contains the Dockerfiles, .env files, Docker compose ymls, Kubernetes yamls, and sample scripts to build container images of the Commerce Engine solution. The version 1.1.10 posted here is compatible with SXP 10.0.1 and Microsoft Windows container base images: ltsc2019, SAC 2004, and SAC 20H2.
XC Installation Guide for Developer Workstation with ContainersA guide that lists the requirements and provides step-by-step instructions for installing Sitecore Experience Commerce using sample containers on a developer workstation.
XC Installation Guide for Production Deployments with KubernetesA guide that lists the requirements and provides step-by-step instructions for installing Sitecore Experience Commerce for a production deployment using Kubernetes.
Image and Tags ListLink to the official tags list (.md and .json format) of all published Sitecore images available on Sitecore Container Registry (SCR).
Sitecore Image ReferenceLink to additional information about the images available on the Sitecore Container Registry (SCR), as well as how to use them in your custom solution.

Download Options for Azure App Service Deployments

Packages for Azure App Service 2020.08-6.0.238The Commerce Web Deploy Packages (WDPs) for deployment to a Microsoft Azure App Service.
XC Installation Guide for Azure App ServiceA guide that provides step-by-step instructions for deploying Sitecore Experience Commerce 10.0.0 to a Microsoft Azure App Service.

Download Options for On Premises Deployments

Packages for On Premises WDP 2020.08-6.0.238The Commerce packages and supporting SDKs for on-premise or hosted virtual machine deployments using Web Deploy Packages (WDP).
Packages for Upgrading On Premises Deployments 2020.08-6.0.238The Commerce packages and supporting software for upgrading existing on premise deployments.
XC Installation Guide for On PremisesA guide that lists the requirements and provides step-by-step instructions for installing Sitecore Experience Commerce in a single-server configuration on-premise or on a hosted virtual machine using Web Deployment Packages (WDP).
Upgrade Guide for XC 9.3 to XC 10.0.0A guide that provides step-by-step instructions for upgrading a Sitecore XC 9.3 deployment to Sitecore XC 10.0.0.

Release information

Release NotesNew features/improvements, resolved issues, breaking changes, known issues. Documentation updates are also listed
Sitecore DocumentationLink to the Sitecore Documentation website.
Breaking Change ReportsA .zip file containing breaking change reports for each Engine plugin, by comparing a recent Sitecore Experience Commerce 10.0 build to 9.3. In particular, the introduction of .NET Standard results in a large number of breaking changes being reported, throughout the layers of function calls.


Business Tools translationsDanish, German, Japanese language translation files for the Commerce Business Tools. Compatible with Sitecore Commerce Engine Connect 6.0.
Link to documentation for installing a translation file
SXA Storefront translationsDanish, German, Japanese language translation files for the SXA Storefront. Compatible with SXA Storefront 5.0.
Commerce Connect translationsDanish, German, Japanese language translation files for Commerce Connect. Compatible with Commerce Connect 15.0.

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